As you do quests, battles and events, you will earn the different materials you need for a unit to evolve. Save these materials for when your unit reaches the max level and can evolve. There are six different elements:

Fire Water Earth Thunder Light Dark

The elemental materials can be found in the following areas:

Nymphs are located in mistral and level one of the Paradise of the Fairies Spirits can be found in Morgan and level two of the Paradise of the Fairies Idols are in St Lamia and level three of the Paradise of the Fairies Totems are in the corresponding Oasis of the Gods stage Mimics are in the Cave of Desire during the Tuesday events

Make sure you keep a good supply of the evolving materials on hand so your units can grow as soon as they hit their max level.

Evolving Fire Units

The following chart details what is needed for each Fire unit to evolve into the next unit. Keep in mind, you need to have the needed materials of the fire element (red):




Evolving Water Units

This chart gives you all the information for evolving your water units to make them stronger.


Evolving Earth Units

To evolve your earth units, you will need the following materials in the earth element:


Evolving Thunder Units

To evolve your thunder units into stronger units, use the thunder element materials as follows:


Light Unit Evolution

To evolve your light units, use the following chart:


Dark Unit Evolution

Your dark units will evolve when you use the following dark materials after they have reached their maximum level:

Remember that Mimics and Bat Mimics are not particular to any element and can be used for all of them.

Once a unit evolves, it goes back to level one and does not have any experience points at all; they start over as a completely new unit. Take your time and get to know which units you want to evolve first and work toward that. Most importantly, enjoy the game.