Patrice Désilets is renowned for helping create the first two games in the Assassin’s Creed series. Though Ubisoft claims his firing proceeded “good faith discussions” that went awry, in Désilets’ version, he was escorted out of the building by security.

He has now returned to deal with his former employer over the case of his in-progress open-world title, 1666: Amsterdam.

It has always been Désilets’ project. He had been developing 1666 under wraps with his former employer, THQ, but Ubisoft bought his Montreal studio after the company went under, and currently holds claim over the IP.

Today Désilets explains at Spanish conference Gamelab that the title is a product of his cumulative knowledge, brought about by years of experience. “I’m sorry guys, it was amazing. And it still is amazing, and I hope to get it back and finish it for you - and for me,” he says.

He thinks the gaming industry will get there eventually, adding, “It’s really a shame that I cannot finish 1666, because it was about all of that."

“I’m fighting for it, and that’s all I can say for now.”

Currently, 1666: Amsterdam is officially “suspended”, a state allowing Ubisoft to keep it placed aside without actually cancelling it. This is unfortunate, as Désilets’ contract contains a clause allowing him to reclaim the IP if Ubisoft officially ends the project. He is determined to get it back.

Do you think Ubisoft is being unfair to Désilets? Sound off in the comments!