In April 2013, once again, hundreds of EVE Online fans gathered on the far-flung North Atlantic island whilst thousands more watched from around the world. It was the momentous tenth anniversary of EVE Online’s single-sharded server going online and an intrepid band of Swedish documentarians were there to ask the question: What is EVE Online?

This is the second A Tale of Internet Spaceships trailer. The first trailer, released earlier this year, focused more on the team as they experienced Iceland, Fanfest and all the craziness that goes with it. Petter Mårtensson commented,

Enjoy the trailer above, featuring CCP Games CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, spymaster turned media mogul Alexander ‘The Mittani’ Gianturco, intergalactic beefcake Marcus ‘Roc Weiler’ Dickinson, New Eden’s answer to Brangelina Bagehi and Sindel Pellion, along with glimpses of many others.

Sadly no footage of then Executive Producer Jon ‘CCP Unifex’ Lander’s stage-dive. I guess they’re keeping their powder dry on that one.

The full documentary is due out “before Fanfest” next year.