As Gamespot reported earlier today, an exclusive white Xbox One was sited on Ebay. Don’t worry, no Xbox Team member will lose their job. On the contrary, the system was given to GamesAid, a UK-based charity, who are now auctioning the commemorative and limited Xbox One for a good cause. 

In order to own this piece of Microsoft/Xbox history, you will most likely need very deep pockets or a credit card without a limit. The current bid is about £16,300 or equally $26,200, but even paying that much will not get you an Xbox before the official launch, as the delivery date is scheduled for the 22nd of November. I should not have to mention that this auction is for serious bidders only, who are asked to get in touch with GamesAid prior to their participation.

GamesAid will then act as umbrella charity, distributing the profits between various small-sized charities that benefit children in need across the UK.

I always enjoy reading and writing about these type of auctions or curious articles, as it shows that we as a gaming community have a lot to give. Another, even greater example are the bi-yearly charity runs by Awesome Games Done Quick, who know how to put on a show. Their next marathon is scheduled for January 5-January 11, 2014 and you can already preview the schedule here.

Know of any other gaming related charities? Please let us know! As always, thanks for reading!