Prior to the beginning of the game, the world of Extinction has always been in a constant state of war. This changes when a mysterious portal opens up and unleashes ogres known as the Ravenii, previously thought to only exist in fairy tales. The main character of Extinction, Avil (pronounce a-veel), is a human who may be humanity’s last hope against the ogres. Avil is the last of an ancient order known as the Sentinels, the only people with knowledge of the Ravenii and how to defeat them.

Avil has an array of different skills he can use to take down minions that follow the Ravenii. Players can instantaneously switch between attacks whenever they want, whether those attacks be single strike attacks, sweeping AOE attacks, aerial combos, knockdowns, and more.

The only known way to defeat a Ravenii is to use a special decapitating technique called a Rune Strike, which Avil has learned through his training as a sentinel. This special skill can also be strengthened by saving other people, defeating minions,  and destroying Ravenii armor as well as by dismembering the ogres themselves.

When traveling through the city, Avil can utilize certain skills which can also be useful against the Ravenii. These includes running vertically up surfaces and using his whip as a grappling tool. 

Extinction will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 10, 2018. Pre-orders of both the standard edition and limited edition of the game are now available.