Ezra Chiloba’s passing deception and the most recent news were all phony.


The bits of hearsay flowing via web-based media asserted that previous IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba has died. As indicated by the report made by an online news media, Maishatv unfurled that he died from Testicular malignant growth which spread quickly via web-based media.

They additionally announced that he was taken to India early this year for specific clinical treatment when his ailment gone corrupting. Many Web entryways have even distributed his tribute. Famous people Deaths has likewise distributed that Chiloba has died on June 14, 2021.

Ezra Chiloba is as yet alive. All things considered, the previous Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is totally fine and okay. As of late, Chiloba has tweeted – FAKE NEWS is a worldwide calamity and should be battled from all fronts! Much obliged to you for your anxiety.

I’m okay and thankful – as usual! which demonstrates that he is alive. Likewise, according to reports, Nyanza News Network said that his demise outlets have been exposed and furthermore named bogus.

Also, Chiloba affirmed to Nyanza News Network that he is still particularly perfectly healthy his vocation. Ezra Chiloba is a Kenyan government official. He was likewise named as the IEBC CEO before the 2017 general races after the term of James Oswago reached a conclusion.

— Ezra Chiloba (@ezraCHILOBA) June 14, 2021

After the allegation made of being essential for the bigger trick to deny the resistance their real success, the primary resistance NASA requested that the CEO ought to leave. Additionally, Chiloba disclosed to Jeff Koinange on Citizen TV meet that he wanted to leave. Later on, his CEO expression was put to an end. Twitter account.