Olubicurrently is at the center of attention after president Buhari watched him getting a public honor in the outfit he most likely had not considered.


Ezra’s dark dress and extras have turned into a subject of conversation around the world. The dull lipstick with an all-dark outfit looks made the president in shock.

The amount Is Ezra Olubi Total assets? As indicated by different sources, including newswirengr, the assessed total assets of Ezra Olubi is around 1,000,000 bucks.

He is a business visionary, LGBT advocate, IT master, and portable application and programming designer. In like manner, he is an alum of Babcock College in software engineering.

— Ezra ‘God’ Olubi (@0x) October 10, 2022

Likewise, he is the central innovation official and fellow benefactor of Paystack, an Organization with an E-installment framework. Paystack turned into the principal Nigerian Organization who get acknowledged into the tech gas pedal Y combinator program.

The underlying financing of the Organization was one hundred 20,000 bucks. Afterward, the Organization got obtained by Stripe, an innovation based Organization, for 200,000,000 bucks in 2020.

Olubi has more than once educated the audience regarding his sexuality being hetero, i.e., straight. Nonetheless, individuals expect he is gay as he represents a specific local area and wears lipsticks and nail clean.

The extremist himself has admitted that he is a delicate straight person. Citing a tweet, he stated, “As a delicate straight person who has cooperated with a few gay Nigerian men, I can let you know that you’re just parroting homophobia.

All men (paying little heed to direction) are on this table, yet you simply have standardized straight badgering that you don’t have any idea.” Nonetheless, the cited tweet is erased by the client.

— Ezra ‘God’ Olubi (@0x) October 11, 2022

He becomes amped up for getting dressed and heading off to some place. His new outfit grant succeeding at the 2022 Public Distinctions OOR (Request Of The Niger) has been a subject of conversation.

Ezra Olubi History Investigated Ezra Olubi was born and experienced childhood in Ibadan on November 17, 1986. His folks’ subtleties have not come to the media.

He is a lively and self-decided man who put himself in programming.

Olubi got assignments and won a few honors, including Youthful Software engineer of the year, Developer of the year, and so forth, from QBASIC to Visual Essential.

— Ezra ‘God’ Olubi (@0x) October 9, 2022

He additionally worked at Alexander Haring Ltd. as a head of Sorcery for over decade.

At last, he developed into quite possibly of the best developer in the country. His devotion and effective vocation have roused and tutored other youngsters who genuinely want to do in the country.

He favors carrying on with life based on his conditions and conditions and couldn’t care less about others’ viewpoints towards him.

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