Chief among these is changes to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. loadout system and adding new C.A.M.P.s. You can finally reset your  S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and save different builds to swap out at will with Perk Cards spent at a Punch Card Machine.

Instead of being stuck with one C.A.M.P and its associated inventory, you can set one active C.A.M.P, mark others on a map, and change out inventory using Vending Machines.

That’s not all Locked & Loaded is bringing. It also introduces Season 4: Armor Ace in Cold Steel. The latest chapter in the Armor Ace saga follows Ace as they take on the Yukon Five and Commissioner of Chaos. There’s a new leaderboard associated with the challenge and plenty of season four rewards, including Mannequins, Tadpole Badges, Sugar-free Nukashine, and Rad Ant Weight Lager. 

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