The newest postponement comes amidst a worldwide crisis and is rooted in Bethesda’s concern for its employees. Since the team working on Wastelanders is now working from home, Bethesda says that the final round of QA on the expansion will go a tad slower than planned. 

In a tweet shared to the official Bethesda Game Studios Twitter account, the team said, “limiting our in-person interactions … has affected our ability to do the final testing we need for Wastelanders.”

Although it’s a small bummer for those awaiting the update’s release, it is just that: small. Ultimately, it’s heartening to see Bethesda put a premium on its employees, especially in a time such as this. 

While Fallout 76 has cultivated a dedicated player base since its launch for PC, PS4, and Xbox One in 2018, it isn’t nearly as large as many would have guessed when the game was first announced, at least anecdotally. 

Aside from the lack of NPCs Wastelanders seeks to fix (among a plethora of other things), many players took umbrage with some of Bethesda’s additions to the game post-launch, including Fallout 1st. 

Nevertheless, that has not stopped the developer from forging ahead and working to give players the game they all hoped for. Alongside new events and numerous bug fixes, larger updates such as a 52-player battle royale mode, dubbed Nuclear Winter, have come to the game. 

Only time will tell if Fallout 76 will ever attain the glory of other titles in the franchise like Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. It is certain, though, that we will learn more on April 14 when Wastelanders launches for Fallout 76, the same day the post-apocalyptic multiplayer RPG hits Steam. 

Be sure to check out the Wastelanders preview from Bethesda Game Days at the top of this article. And stick around for more on the next big Fallout 76 update.