While we already knew that the update would bring a more typical Fallout questline to 76, complete with dialogue trees and a new reputation system, Bethesda provides one of the best looks at that yet. For all intents and purposes, Wastelanders makes 76 look much more like the Fallout games fans have been accustomed to since Fallout 3. 

There are tons of explosions, cultists, new mutants, invisible snipers, snazzy bow-tie wearing quest-givers, mini-nukes, and, of course, more explosions. 

To say it’s a bit more engaging and hype-inducing than the game’s Country-Roads-themed teaser trailer is an understatement. It makes the wilds of Appalachia look alive — even if that life is of the blood-thirsty bandit kind. 

Bethesda says “it’s a whole new wasteland,” and while we’ll have to wait and see for sure, everything points to that being true. Of course, the update will bring with it a handful of “game optimizations,” including “interface improvements” and “a new way to track your quests as you explore the wasteland.”

Fallout 76 Wastelanders is set to release on April 14 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The update, which is free for those who already own Fallout 76, will launch alongside the Steam release for the base game.