Xbox On

Turning on the Xbox One is so simple. Sure, so is pushing a button or holding down the home button on the controller, but then you have to make sure the t.v. is on. Microsoft’s solution is simple. “Xbox On.” This one simple command turns on not only the console, but the t.v. as well. This makes using it very easy for the younger generations. My four year old can turn it on but getting to her profile can be a bit harder. Since the command is given by her, her profile immediately comes up and she’s ready to go.

A new feature of Xbox One is being able to connect your cable or satellite receiver to the console. No more wondering where the t.v. remote is to switch between the two. This is very helpful when my kids loose the t.v. remote and I want to watch t.v. after they’ve been playing the Xbox. (And yes, this is a most frequent occurrence at my house..the loosing of the main t.v. remotes..either t.v. or cable box).

With the Xbox One and television receiver hooked together, I don’t have to listen to my child begging for me to change the channel. She can just tell the Xbox One what channel she wants to watch. Or as another option, I can make her a personal channel with all the shows she likes to watch on her home screen. I hear a peaceful day with that feature!

It’s All About Home

The home screen now makes the apps for the Xbox One and their children so much easier. I can pin apps that my children use most often to their home screen. No more asking mom about where Netflix is or where Skype is to call grandma.

Snap, And There It Goes

Kids want to Skype with grandma or ask a question to which you don’t know the answer to while you’re watching your favorite show? No longer a problem. With Xbox One’s snap feature, you can easily do both. Just saying snap Skype will load up a screen to the side with Skype up. With voice commands, everything is so easy.