Tony Romanelli, the President of Frontwire Studios said:

According to Tech Times, the people over at Frontwire Studios have been working hard to make a game that Battlefront fans will approve of. The game is called Star Wars: a Galaxy in Turmoil. This game is essentially Battlefront 3: The Remake. Oh, and by the way if and when this game does come out on Steam, it will be free. 

Fans are still worried, however, that even though the game has been approved by Valve to be on Steam, that Disney or EA may still withhold its release. Disney may not approve of the use of the Star Wars name on the game since they own all of the Star Wars licenses. EA, on the other hand, may not approve of Frontware Studios using the Battlefront IP considering they own the rights to that.

Tony Romanelli, has said that it doesn’t really concern him at all. He said that the idea of anything being an issue only crosses his mind “from time to time”. 

One could hope that this game does see the light of day at some point. It would be a shame to get everyone’s hopes up about a true Battlefront 3 then leave fans disappointed yet again.