The announcement adds more friction to a tense relationship between the publisher and the gaming world. Konami has been the center of controversy following its open dispute with Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima.

Many in the gaming community were expecting some kind of a casino game after rumors emerged that Konami had filed a trademark for a Pachinko machine called “Big Boss”. Still, it was a great shock when Konami unveiled Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater, which recreated several memorable moments from the iconic game using the Fox Engine.

The announcement has already been met with a massive backlash from fans of the series and the gaming media. The trailer has received over 22,000 dislikes and only 700 likes on YouTube, making it more unpopular than the trailer for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Back in 2015, Konami had a vicious dispute with Hideo Kojima that ended with him departing to establish a new studio. News of the dispute became public back in May when Kojima Studios was removed from all promotional material for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain followed by the controversial decision to cancel Silent Hills.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater was released on November 17, 2004 for the PlayStation 2, and it has been praised as one of the greatest titles of the Sixth Generation console era. It was a prequel to the series follows Snake as he needs to prevent a major war by assassinating his mentor, The Boss, after she defects to the Soviet Union.