This time around its all about Friendly Fire. If you manage to complete the challenge within five days, the unique MP34 rifle will be ready and waiting for you at any gun store across the Montana wilderness.

Let’s see how to get it. 

Starting The Far Cry 5 Friendly Fire Event

While your goal is to get 10 kills with a gun for hire, you don’t actually get the reward unless you activate the event.

To start this limited time event, access the pause menu (not the standard in-game menu where you view the map and assign guns for hire) and look for the slideshow of notifications at the lower-right corner. 

Select the slideshow when it rolls around to the Friendly Fire event – the one that showcases the MP34 and the Kimiko Rye outfit.

 Press A on the Xbox One or Circle on the PS4 to activate the event. Now that Friendly Fire is active, you can get started with the challenge to have your guns for hire kill 10 Peggies.

There’s a catch though – your nine main companions don’t actually count in this instance as a gun for hire! Head to any stronghold you’ve completed already and look for any of the locals. Most of them can be recruited as an NPC gun for hire bodyguard just by talking to them.

If you have the Leadership perk unlocked (costing 6 points on the Leader skill tree) you can have two of these guns for hire at the same time, making the event go much faster.

Unlocking The MP34 and Kimiko Rye Outfit

With two NPC guns for hire recruited, your best bet to get 10 kills quickly is to head for a stronghold you haven’t liberated yet, as they will have the most Peggies already milling around waiting to be killed. If you’ve already completed the full map, you will have to search around road blocks and other locations to find random groups of enemies instead.

Don’t go into the compound stealthy though, as you want the enemy to know you are there and sound the alarm, which will bring more Peggies in trucks that can easily be destroyed with explosives.

To reach the 10-kill count in Friendly Fire, you have to actually command your guns for hire to get the kill, which means targeting one of the Peggies in your line of sight and pressing the left or right arrow on the d-pad to assign the target to your NPC companions.

Within a few minutes, you should have easily racked up 10 kills and completed the single-player portion of the Friendly Fire event.

You don’t need to do anything else to get the second half of the event rewards. The Kimiko Rye outfit has already been unlocked, as the community managed to complete their overall challenge in a stunning two hours! That’s a lot of Peggies killed by guns for hire.

Where did you get your 10 Friendly Fire kills in the Montana landscape? Let us know your best farming spot in the comments below, and be sure to check out our other Far Cry 5 tips and tricks guides here:

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