She fits impeccably into the class of big names who are fashionistas utilizing as she took to her virtual entertainment account on Instagram to share new pictures of herself as she flaunts her new outfit.

Inneye Obong posted these beautiful pictures with a fascinating subtitle asking that she gets panini squeezed and this is her approach to spouting over her excellence. (Panini squeezed essentially implies a close move by a woman to cause her to feel the delight of taking a gander at her from behind and her various stances gave a similar translation of her inscription.)

Inneye Obong is perhaps of the most gorgeous quick rising star in Nigeria and it’s dead on to say that she has a more promising time to come in front of her this isn’t simply because of her magnificence.

She has much more to offer with regards to motivating design thoughts utilizing her style styles as a contextual investigation for her kindred ladies.

Fans and supporters wrote down their astonishing remarks about these photos and you will not be shocked by what they are talking about them.