Grand Order’s daily quest system should be familiar to anyone who has played other Japanese mobile RPGs. Each day hosts dungeons that grant EXP and ascension items for particular classes of servant. It’s straightforward and an integral part of progression. If you’ve got time, you’ve got time to grind.

Each daily quest has four difficulty levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. If you just want the gist of the classes they’re for, here you go:

Monday: Archer items & Assassin, Berserker, Lancer EXP Cards Tuesday: Lancer items & Berserker, Saber, and Rider EXP Cards Wednesday: Berserker items & Archer, Berserker, and Caster EXP Cards Thursday: Rider items & Assassin, Berserker, and Lancer EXP Cards Friday: Caster items & Berserker, Rider, and Saber EXP Cards Saturday: Assassin items & Archer, Berserker, and Caster EXP Cards Sunday: Saber items & EXP cards for all classes

Daily quests reset each week, so if you get the Mana Prisms for them all this week you certainly can get them again next week.

This guide does not have the QP quests just yet! They’re frequent enough that you don’t have to keep track, but they will be added in in the next week or so.

In addition, this guide does not mention which enemies are in the dungeons. Instead it simply lists out the level ranges of the enemies within. Keep in mind that the high levels that seem out of place for their difficulty are rare spawns that generally give higher tier items.

And lastly (but not least), the highest tier in any of these quests (Expert) has the best ratio of AP to EXP, BP, and QP of any tier. Happy grinding!

Monday Daily Quests

Monday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Archers and Experience Cards for Assassins, Berserkers, and Lancers.

Archery Field Training

It is recommended you use a party with Lancers to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering (Lances/Killing)

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Lancers, Assassins, and Berserkers. It is recommended you take this on with Sabers and/or Casters.



Tuesday Daily Quests

Tuesday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Lancers and Experience Cards for Sabers, Berserkers, and Riders.

Spear Training Field

It is recommended you use a party with Sabers to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Sabers, Riders, and Berserkers. It is recommended you take this on with Archers and/or Assassins.



Wednesday Daily Quests

Wednesday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Berserkers and Experience Cards for Archers, Berserkers, and Casters.

Mad Training Field

You can use pretty much any class types in this dungeon.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Archers, Berserkers, and Casters. It is recommended you use a party with Lancers and/or Riders.



Thursday Daily Quests

Thursday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Riders and Experience Cards for Archers, Berserkers, and Assassins.

Cavalry Training Field

It is recommended you use a party with Assassins to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Lancers, Assassins, and Berserkers. It is recommended you use a party with Casters and Sabers.



Friday Daily Quests

Friday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Casters and Experience Cards for Assassins, Berserkers, and Sabers.

Magic Training Field

It is recommended you use a party with Riders to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Sabers, Assassins, and Berserkers. It is recommended you use a party with Archers and/or Assassins.



Saturday Daily Quests

Saturday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Assassins and Experience Cards for Archers, Berserkers, and Casters.

Killing Training Field

It is recommended you use a party with Casters to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is Lancers, Assassins, and Berserkers. It is recommended you use a party with Riders and/or Lancers.



Sunday Daily Quests

Sunday’s daily quests are filled with Ascension items for Sabers and Experience Cards for all classes.

Sword Training Field

It is recommended you use a party with Archers to tackle these dungeons.


Ember Gathering

This Ember Gathering, like the others, grants only Experience Cards for the enemies within. In this case that is any class, as enemies of various classes will spawn


That wraps up this guide to daily quests! Be sure to check out the rest of our Fate/Grand Order guides for even more tips to get you through the game.